indiana is a collective exploring the relationship between gender and space.
«Waschküchen» or collective laundries are a long-standing Swiss tradition and often the only shared space in public housing.
In recent years, as newer and larger apartments include personal washing machines, laundry - also part of care work - is becoming less visible and a more private activity, reducing the possibility for tenant interaction. With this increasingly individualistic way of living, we miss the opportunity of collective spaces and fail to encourage a sustainable consumption model based on sharing appliances and spaces.
Historically dark, uncomfortable and neglected, Waschküchen can become pleasant and welcoming spaces if designed properly. With this exhibition, indiana aims to document exemplary collective laundries in Zurich and to make these fundamental spaces of care more visible. The initiative is part of the collective's ongoing work that explores the potential of Waschküchen to become «third» spaces for interaction and encounter, beyond their use as laundry rooms.
06.06.24 / 18.00 Vernissage
with photographer Solène Hoffmann
Feministischer Streik 2024: Treffpunkt Bürkliplatz, 14 Uhr
23.06.24 / 19.00 - 20.00 hör/heur
public reading with SIQ
27.06.24 / 19.00
Washhouses of Porto - public spaces of care
lecture with Chiara de Libero, Margherita Innocenti &Chloé Darmon
08.07.24 / 19.00
indiana reading group text «Waschküchen-Urbanismus» by Gabu Heindl
18.07.24 / 18.00 Finissage
with sound from Raphael Skoda
for further infos and program updates check our instagram @indiana_collective